Thursday, August 26, 2010

Game modeling tutorials coming soon!!

Hey all,

Thanks for all of you who have visited my blog, even know I don't have much up right now I promise to get more up in the future. As soon as I get a few followers I will begin to post tutorials on modeling Next Gen Game assets. I'm sure there are those of you who want to learn and maybe even some students that would love a tutorial on let's say an awesome Zbrushed wooden crate, barrel that I will projection map onto a low res mesh or even larger models like cars etc.

So as soon as I get a few followers I promise I will begin to create these videos and in the meantime if you want to e-mail me with any questions you might have on creating models please feel free to leave a comment and I will respond ASAP.

A small sample is shown below of some of my older artwork.

Till then thank you for reading my blog and check out the older posts if you enjoy Starcraft 2!!

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